2005, stainless steel, model car customized, rice, wood, cm 78x45x45
Project ‘A’
2012, coal on paper
2010, turquoise neon light, broom
2010, steel, 250 x 106 x 15
Two Tumbleweeds in the Moonlight
2009, aluminium, aluminium wire, 155 x 110 x 95 cm, each
2008, model
After the War
2008, cm 11 x 9 x 1,6 , bronze, polyester ice cristal, acryl paint
2008, black jelly-babies, wire carcases, papier – mache
Beyond the Reach
2007, red, blue and white neon, led elements. cm 200 x 125
2007, digital print
Spillin’ the Romance – project
2006, metal container, bathroom waste enlarged 50 fold, paint, glue. about cm 512x390x270
The Diver (a model)
2006, resin, hair, plastic can, , cm 17
Two Unicorns
2005, toy unicorns customized, artificial grass, candy pieces, acryl box. cm 160x40x40
Afghan Gothic 7
2005, charcoal, watercolors on paper, cm 60 x 80
Afghan Shoe
2005, charcoal, watercolors on paper, cm 60 x 80
Four Seasons on Hindukush
2005, watercolors on paper, cm 50 x 70
2005, stainless steel, model car customized, rice, wood, cm 78x45x45
2005, washing glove, scrubber, cm 42×13
A Study for Afghan Gothic Project
2004, pencil on paper, cm 80 x 60
Hot for the Feet – Cool for the Head
2004, dolls parts, cool and hot packs, acryl box, cm 160x40x40
Forest – a project
2004, Red Neon
Untitled 11
2002, pencil on paper, cm 80 x 60
Sculpture for the Porticon West Ltd. & Co
2001, Sculpture for the Porticon West Ltd. & Co, Munich, Germany
She and Him
2001, chinese ink on paper, cm 60 x 50
Untitled (November)
2001, willow rodes, metal, leaves, mass variable. installation
Putting On Nietzsche
2001, For “The Coaster Project, Destination: The World” of the Transcultural Exchange with the Fuller Museum of Art, Brokton MA, USA See also: www.transculturalexchange.org/coasterproject
The Virgin
2001, spongebag, acrylbox. cm 40 x 40 x 40
Untitled (wolf)
2000, drawing, collage on paper, cm 81 x 60
Tearing it apart (a study for a flag)
2000, chinese ink on paper, cm 40 x 40
2000, charcoal on cardboard
How To Make A Hole In Water
2000, gas burner, video projection, mass variable
The little Submarine
1999, pencil, watercolors on paper, cm 81 x 60
Untitled (dora maar)
1999, pencil on paper
The Pet
uzi toy gun, backpack, teaddybear skin, cm 80 x 56 x50
Wagners Piano
1999, cardboard, lead. (model)
The Pianoplayer
1996, pencil on paper
Untitled (aubergine)
1994, charcoal, collage on paper, cm 100 x 70
Sleeping Steinway Double
1994, charcoal on cardboard
Lorelei’s Carwash
1994, charcoal on cardboad
Russians At Work
1993, charcoal,watercolors on paper. cm 100 x 70
The Most Famous Lollies In The World
1993, sugar solution, plaster of Paris, steinless steel. Albrecht Gallery, Munich
A Study For An Installation (lollies)
1993, pencil, acryl paint on cardboard
Felt Sculpture
1992, felt
Untitled (after the war)
1991, ink on paper
1991, lead, pigment. (model)
Little Sculpture #2
1990, plaster of Paris, lead, sponge, iron, paint. Private collection
Me, Wired
1990, wire, wood
Little Sculpture
1990, plaster of Paris, lead
The Little Soldiers Dream
1990, sponge, plaster of Paris, sculpture, paint (lost in Italy)
The Ghost Of My Old Oven
1988, felt, lead
The Samurai
1986, copper, red brick, wire, wood Private collection
The middle east landscape
1982, papier-mache, wheels, acryl paint, cm 182 x 79. Israel Museum, Jerusalem
The middle east landscape #2
1982, papier-mache, acryl paint. cm 62 x 61,5 Julie M. Gallery, Tel-Aviv
A man on a blue mattress
1981, stuffed tarpaulin, wire, acryl paint cm 80x59x8
The bound felt pillow
1981, charcoal on paper
Bounded #2
1981, red chalk,watercolors. cm 100 x 70
Bounded Quilt
1979, felt , cord
Bounded (the pillow and the quilt)
1979, red chalk on paper. cm 100 x70
The Grenade
1987, collage on paper